
Ralph Klein has gone and it is time to retire Ralph's World. Thanks to all of you who have supported this venture by contributing material and through your comments. It has been fun.

Should we get another blog underway? Let me know your thoughts by e-mailing me at johnnyslow@gmail.com.

John Slow
January 1, 2007

Monday, April 05, 2004

Subversive Plot from Left Wing Nut 

This letter was printed in the Edmonton Journal March 29th, 2004 and was forwarded by the author for posting on Ralph's World.

Once again our revered leader, the Honourable Ralph Klein, has threatened to proceed with legislation that will adversely affect a large number of Alberta residents. Having brought us deregulated energy costs, privatizing (a.k.a. giving away) services such as liquor stores and highway maintenance, limited resource revenues through reduced royalties, etc. our bold leader is now considering an un-Canadian move regarding healthcare.

As was expected many staunch supporters of the status quo for healthcare are being heard in all types of forums. Their arguments are passionate, often well founded, and usually call for a democratic solution to the problems. But democracy is not well in this province. Public debate is not welcome by our government. King Ralph will not stand questioning. The bully boys (and girls)cut off debate through closure more often than any other parliamentary body despite their overwhelming majority.

Unfortunately, there is no end in site for this unhealthy majority that limits individuals' influence over political matters. We are not going to see proportional representation, or even a true one person - one vote with balanced constituencies. No government is going to willingly bring about its own discomfort or possible defeat.

However all is not lost. We do have a solution that will cost only a few dollars and some time for each person interested in making a difference. Remember the old motto - 'If you can't beat them, join them'? I suggest that we all join the Conservative Party of Alberta through their local offices. Imagine the real changes we could make if thousands of disaffected liberals and other left wing nuts like myself joined their local conservatives in voting for the PC candidate. What makes this even more interesting, you do not have to vote for them in the provincial election!

Ian Simpson

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