
Ralph Klein has gone and it is time to retire Ralph's World. Thanks to all of you who have supported this venture by contributing material and through your comments. It has been fun.

Should we get another blog underway? Let me know your thoughts by e-mailing me at johnnyslow@gmail.com.

John Slow
January 1, 2007

Monday, November 22, 2004

Lyrics to "Ralph's World" Song 

We had lots of requests for the lyrics for the Ralph's World song. You might want to sing them on the way to vote today.

"Ralph's World"
Words and Music by: MC Puff Wheat & Upright Grand Master "J"

Copyright 2004 John Doe Productions

More people falling through the cracks
And the cracks are getting wider
Young mother living on KD
The cheques aren't enough to tide her
How much value does he place
On the dignity of the average welfare case?
You know this. He's shown you.
Throwing small change at a homeless man in a shelter in the middle of the night.
He was living in Ralph's World.

You privatised our heat
You privatised our light
You privatised our telephones
At least you got the liquor stores right
Mr. Klein, listen up
I've got a question for you
Once you've privatised everything, what's left for you to do?
YOU' LL be living in Ralph's World

Welcome to Alberta
Life's easy if you know the trick
You'd better not get older
And you'd better not get sick
You're living in Ralph's World

Intaxication: The momentary euphoria that comes over you upon recieving your rebate cheque. Easily cured by the realization that it was your money to begin with.

Henry's waitin' on an MRI
Martha needs a hip
Ralph's just looking to privatize
Profit's more his trip
Choking children with purse strings
Putting education last
Selling off our future
Paying off their past

Welcome to Alberta
Life's easy if you know the trick
You'd better not get older
And you'd better not get sick
You're living in Ralph's World

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